Two cases of non-recurrent laryngeal nerve: routine nerve exploration in total thyroidectomy
Nazmi Yaşar Sayım1, Fethi Gül2
1Clinic of General Surgery, Kahta State Hospital, Adıyaman, Turkey
2Clinic of Anesthesiology, Kahta State Hospital, Adıyaman, Turkey
Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury is one of the main complications of thyroidectomy. Since differences in the course of the nerve increase the risk of injury, routine nerve exploration is recommended. In this report, we present two cases of non-recurrent laryngeal nerve found during total thyroidectomy for benign pathologies. Total thyroidectomy was performed on two patients (52 and 54 years old) with a diagnosis of multinodular goitre in our clinic. During operation, routine nerve exploration was performed and non-recurrent laryngeal nerve was noted. Both patients were discharged on the first postoperative day without any complications. Recurrent laryngeal exploration does not increase the risk of nerve injury and ensures safe surgery in the case of non-recurrent laryngeal nerve despite its rarity.
Keywords: Non-recurrent laryngeal nerve, total thyroidectomy, nerve exploration
Externally peer-reviewed.
Study concept and design - N.Y.S., F.G.; Acquisition of data - N.Y.S., F.G.; Analysis and interpretation of data - N.Y.S.; Preparation of the manuscript - N.Y.S.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.