Tamer Akça, Süha Aydın

Mersin University Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Mersin, Turkey


Prof. Dr. René Leriche was a famous French surgeon who lived between 1879 and 1955. After working as a vascular surgeon in Lyon, he was appointed professor at the University of Strasbourg in 1924 and later the Paris Collége de France in 1937. Leriche had proposed vascular patches as the ideal treatment for obliterated vascular segments and advocated the necessity of sympathectomy in arterial diseases in the 1920s. He defined “Leriche Syndrome” in 1923 which is known by his name and which develops as a result of incomplete obstruction of the aortic bifurcation. René Leriche wrote a monograph entitled “La Chirurgie de la Douleur-Pain Surgery” in 1940 and he also became a pioneer in the sympathectomy procedure for pain treatment. René Leriche focused on topics that must be remembered again today, including surgery advanced into science, the physiological basis of surgery, research methods, as well as issues such as business technology, humanity in surgery, surgical essence and surgeon's qualifications in the book entitled “La Philosophie de la Chirurgie-Philosophy of Surgery” that he wrote in 1951. In this review, the issues that Prof. Dr. René Leriche addressed in middle of the 20th century were revised in the light of contemporary medical ethics.

Keywords: René Leriche, surgery, philosophy