Living donor liver transplantation in an adult patient with situs inversus totalis
Yücel Yankol, Nesimi Mecit, Turan Kanmaz, Koray Acarlı, Münci Kalayoğlu
Organ Transplantation Center, Memorial Şişli Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a rare congenital anomaly, and liver transplantation (LT) in an adult SIT patient is extremely rare. Liver transplantation in a SIT patient is also technically challenging due to reversed anatomical structures. Here we present the case of an 18-year-old female with SIT in whom left lobe living donor LT was performed. The patient suffered from cirrhosis due to autoimmune hepatitis. The recipient and donor are doing well without complications 20 months after LT. Situs inversus totalis should not be considered a contraindication for LT. If possible, use of a living donor left lobe graft for LT is more feasible than a living donor right lobe graft. It is also technically easier than using deceased donor full-size liver graft in SIT patients who require liver transplantation.
Keywords: Situs inversus totalis, liver transplantation, living donor
Written informed consent was obtained from patient who participated in this case.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept - Y.Y., K.A.; Design - Y.Y.; Supervision - M.K., K.A.; Funding - M.K., K.A.; Materials - Y.Y., K.A.; Data Collection and/or Processing - Y.Y., N.M.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - Y.Y., T.K., K.A.; Literature Review - Y.Y., T.K.; Writer - Y.Y., K.A., M.K.; Critical Review - K.A., M.A., T.K., N.M.; Other - Y.Y., N.M.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.