Surgical approach in adrenal incidentalomas: Report of thirteen cases and review of the literature
Hasan Erdem1, Süleyman Çetinkünar1, Faruk Kuyucu2, Hakan Erçil2, Mustafa Görür1, Selim Sözen3
1Clinic of General Surgery, Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey
2Clinic of Urology, Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey
3Department of General Surgery, Namık Kemal University School of Medicine, Tekirdağ, Turkey
Objective: The rate of adrenal incidentalomas detected in routine diagnostic imaging techniques is approximately 4-7%. Although the lesions are generally benign, carcinoma and functional adenomas can be diagnosed with careful clinic and laboratory evaluation.
Material and Methods: Data of 13 patients who underwent surgery for an adrenal mass between January 2010-June 2014 were analyzed retrospectively.
Results: Seven (54%) patients were male, 6 (46%) were female, and the mean age was 38.2. The clinical diagnosis was pheochromacytoma in 5 patients (38.4%), non-functional adenoma in 5 (38.4), and metastatic lesion, Cushing syndrome, and adrenal carcinoma each in one patient (7.6%). Conventional open adrenalectomy was performed in 8 patients, while 5 patients underwent laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
Conclusion: Adrenal incidentalomas should be carefully evaluated for hormonal activity even if asymptomatic, and non-functional lesions should be considered as suspicious-for-malignancy. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy has become the gold standard for patients with a mass less than 6 cm, and without infiltration to adjacent organs.
Keywords: Adrenal mass, incidentaloma, surgery, laparoscopy
Ethics committee approval was received for this study from the ethics committee of Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital.
In this study, since the data can not be used to identify patients’ personal data, patient’s consent was not required.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept - H.E.; Design - H.E.; Supervision - H.E., S.S.; Funding - H.E., S.Ç.; Materials - F.K., H.Erç.; Data Collection and/or Processing - H.E., M.G.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - H.E., H.Erç., S.Ç., F.K.; Literature Review - H.E., F.K.; Writer - H.E.; Critical Review - F.K., H.Erç., S.Ç., S.S.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.