Ulvi Mehmet Meral1, Murat Urkan2, Ümit Alakuş2, Emin Lapsekili2, Nidal İflazoğlu3, Aytekin Ünlü2, Pelin Özmen4, Sezai Demirbaş2

1Department of General Surgery, İzmir Military Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
2Department of General Surgery, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
3Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Çukurova University School of Medicine, Adana, Turkey
4Department of Military Health Services, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


Objective: The aim of our study is to examine the Publication Rate of Congress of Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery meeting abstracts and determine the factors affecting publication rate.
Material and Methods: All presentations at Congress of Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery congresses held in 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011 were retrospectively assessed. Manuscripts indexed in Google-Scholar database were included. The meeting year, study type, presentation type, title and time to publication of studies were assessed. Actual impact factor values were assessed to introduce the scientific power of the journals.
Results: Among a total of 614 abstracts presented at these congresses, 139 (22.6%) presentations were published in various medical journals. The publication rate was higher in oral presentations as group compared to poster presentations (29.7% vs. 19.5%) (p<0.001). Mean time to publication period was 20.4 (±21.1) months. 78 (56.1%) of published articles were published in SCI-E journals while 61 (43.9%) were published in non-SCI-E journals. Experimental studies had a higher Publication Rate in analysis of publication rate according to study type (p<0.001). Prospective clinical studies had a higher publication rate than retrospective studies. The journals in which oral presentations had been published had greater impact factor than journals in which poster presentations had been published (p=0.02). If published; prospective clinical studies were published in journals with greater impact factor than retrospective studies (p=0.04).
Conclusion: The quality of a meeting is correlated with the publication of abstracts accepted as presentations. Congress of Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery congress is an efficient meeting for researchers, and have a lower PR as compared to international congresses while having a similar publication rate to equivalent scientific meetings. Being more selective during abstract acceptance should increase the Publication Rate and quality of Congress of Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery congresses.

Keywords: Abstract, annual congress, Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery, publication rate

This study was presented at the 20th Turkish Surgical Society National Congress, 13-17 April 2016, Antalya, Turkey.

Cite this paper as: Meral UM, Urkan M, Alakuş Ü, Lapsekili E, İflazoğlu N, Ünlü A, Özmen P, Demirbaş S. Publication rates of abstracts presented at the annual congress of the Turkish Society of Colorectal Surgery (years 2003-2011). Turk J Surg 2017; 33(2): 87-90


Ethics Committee Approval


Peer Review

Externally peer-reviewed.

Author Contributions

Concept - U.M.M., A.A., M.U.; Design - N.I., A.U., U.M.M.; Supervision - P.O., U.M.M., S.D.; Resource - U.M.M., N.I.; Materials - E.L., U.M.M.; Data Collection and/or Processing - Ü.A., A.Ü.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - S.D., E.L., P.O.; Literature Search - Ü.A., M.U., A.Ü.; Writing Manuscript - E.L., N.I.; Critical Reviews - M.U., P.O., S.D.

Conflict of Interest

No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.

Financial Disclosure

The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.


The authors thank to Aylin Öztürk Meral M.D. for her support to our study.