The role of co-administration of damage control surgery and vacuum-assisted closure in the treatment of perineal wounds
Mustafa Uğur1, Cem Oruç1, İhsan Yıldız2
, Yavuz Savaş Koca2
, Uğraş Daban1
1Department of General Surgery, Mustafa Kemal University School of Medicine, Hatay, Turkey
2Department of General Surgery, Süleyman Demirel University School of Medicine, Isparta, Turkey
Perineal wounds caused by high-kinetic-energy shotgun blasts have a high mortality risk because they are often accompanied by injuries of the anus, rectum, genitourinary system, and extremities. Mortality often results from hemorrhage in the early stage and from multiple organ failure caused by sepsis in the late stage. The primary step in the treatment of patients presenting with perineal wound and hemodynamic instability caused by severe hemorrhage is to control hemorrhage and contamination using damage control surgery. After achieving hemodynamic stability, vacuum-assisted closure can be used to reduce the risks of infection and sepsis. In this report, we present a case who had a perineal wound caused by a mine blast and was successfully treated by damage control surgery and vacuum-assisted closure.
Keywords: Perineal wound, mine blast, vacuum-assisted closure
Cite this paper as: Uğur M, Oruç C, Yıldız İ, Koca YS, Daban U.The role of co-administration of damage control surgery and vacuum-assisted closure in the treatment of perineal wounds. Turk J Surg 2018 34 (3):229-230.
Written informed consent was obtained from patient who participated in this study.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept - M.U., U.D., Y.S.K.; Design - M.U., I.Y., C.O.; Supervision - M.U., U.D., Y.S.K.; Resource - U.D., M.U., C.O.; Materials - C.O., U.D.; Data Collection and/or Processing -U.D., M.U., C.O.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - M.U., U.D., Y.S.K.; LiteratureSearch - M.U., I.Y., C.O.; Writing Manuscript - M.U., Y.S.K., I.Y.; Critical Reviews - I.Y., Y.S.K., M.U.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.