Comments on the new groin hernia guidelines: What has changed? What has remained unanswered?
Ankara Hernia Center, Ankara, Turkey
Guidelines are meant to evaluate the options available in the current circumstances and suggest the proper solutions for particular problems. The duty of a guideline is to present a basis for decision-making. Surgical options for the treatment of groin hernias are numerous. Recently, a joint guideline called “International Guidelines for Groin Hernia Management” was developed by five continental hernia societies, the International Endo hernia Society, and the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. This article aimed to review the methodology, statements, and recommendations of the new guidelines and emphasized the importance of the tailored surgery for groin hernias. Spreading the guidelines may provide surgeons with an up-to-date knowledge and be useful for better outcomes in groin hernia surgery.
Keywords: Femoral, groin, guidelines, hernia, inguinal, laparoscopy
Cite this paper as: Kulaçoğlu H. Comments on the new groin hernia guidelines: What has changed? What has remained unanswered? Turk J Surg 2018; 34: 83-88.
Externally peer-reviewed.
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