Cemal Kaya , Emre Bozkurt , Pınar Yazıcı , Ufuk Oğuz İdiz , Mert Tanal , Mehmet Mihmanlı

Department of General Surgery, Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey


Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic and treatment approaches for patients diagnosed with mesenteric panniculitis
Material and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients diagnosed with mesenteric panniculitis between January 2010 and March 2016. We recorded the demographic features, clinical symptoms, laboratory values, radiological methods, treatment approach, and outcomes of the patients.
Results: We evaluated 22 patients (17 male and five female) with a mean age of 45.8±15.7 years. The most frequent complaint was abdominal pain. The patients’ histories included colon cancer (n=1), prostatic cancer (n=2), renal cell cancer (n=1), diabetes mellitus (n=4), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=1). Laboratory values revealed elevated C-reactive protein levels in 14 patients (43%). Computed tomography was performed in all the patients. Only 10 patients were followed up in the surgical ward, the remaining 12 underwent outpatient treatment. No complication associated with hospitalization or during outpatient follow-up period was observed.
Conclusion: Mesenteric panniculitis can be successfully treated conservatively without surgical intervention. Clinical doubt is of great importance for diagnosis, and plausible underlying malignancy should be kept in mind.

Keywords: Abdominal mass, acute abdomen, conservative approach, mesenteric disorders, mesenteric panniculitis

Cite this paper as: Kaya C, Bozkurt E, Yazıcı P, İdiz UO, Tanal M, Mihmanlı M. Approach to the diagnosis and treatment of mesenteric panniculitis from the surgical point of view. Turk J Surg 2018; 34: 121-124.


Ethics Committee Approval

Authors declared that the research was conducted according to the principles of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects”. Informed Consent: Written informed consent was obtained from patient who participated in this study.

Author Contributions

Concept - C.K., E.B., U.O.İ., P.Y.; Design - C.K., E.B., M.T., M.M.; Supervision - C.K., E.B., P.Y., U.O.İ., M.M.; Resource - C.K., E.B., M.T.; Materials - C.K., U.O.İ., M.T., E.B.; Data Collection and/or Processing - C.K., M.T., E.B., U.O.İ., M.M.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - C.K., E.B., P.Y.; Literature Search - C.K., E.B., U.O.İ., P.Y.; Writing Manuscript - C.K., E.B., M.T., P.Y.; Critical Reviews - C.K., P.Y., U.O.İ., M.M.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Financial Disclosure

The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.