The attitude of Turkish general surgeons during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of “general surgery COVID-19 pandemic attitude survey”
Muhammet Kadri Çolakoğlu1, Yiğit Mehmet Özgün1, Erol Pişkin1, Erdal Birol Bostancı1, Mehmet Mahir Özmen2
1Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Health Sciences University, Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Surgery, Istinye University School of Medicine, Istanbul / Liv Hospital Ankara, Turkey
Objective: The whole world is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and healthcare professionals are the most affected group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of general surgeons about COVID-19 and understand the attitude and current situation of our colleagues.
Material and Methods: This descriptive study comprised general surgeons working in different parts of Turkey. A survey with 23 questions was prepared to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants, workplace characteristics, change in daily work practices and their attitudes in the pandemic process.
Results: A total of 332 forms were evaluated. Survey results show that the majority of surgeons have changed their daily surgical practices. Many surgeons take part in the treatment of COVID-19. While most benign cases are delayed, the managemet of malignant cases differs. There are also differences in the evaluation of patients preoperatively and the type of operation. Personal protective measures are followed. While the rate of infected surgeons is low, the majority of surgeons have concerns about infection.
Conclusion: Turkish surgeons have managed to get a quick reaction from the start of the pandemic. However, there are still differences in preoperative patient evaluation and operation selection and precautions during the operation. Surgeons also should be informed about the management of malignant patients.
Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, surgery, survey
Cite this article as: Çolakoğlu MK, Özgün YM, Pişkin E, Bostancı EB, Özmen MM. The attitude of Turkish general surgeons during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of “general surgery COVID-19 pandemic attitude survey”. Turk J Surg 2020; 36 (2): 137-146.
This study was approved by the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Services.
Externally peer-reviewed.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
The authors declared that this review has received no financial support.
The authors would like to thank all Turkish surgeons who participated and supported the survey and worked devotedly during the time of the pandemic.