C. Swathipriyadarshini1, Hannahsugirthabai Rajilarajendran2, Thotakura Balaji2, Vaithianathan Gnanasundaram2

1Department of Anatomy, Tagore Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India
2Department of Anatomy, Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Chettinad Academy of Research & Education, Chennai, India


Objective: The length and the attachment of the mesoappendix is important in the degree of inflammation, spread of tumor and during surgical resection of the appendix. The presence of accessory appendicular artery along with varied origin of appendicular artery may cause intra- as well as post-operative complications. Hence, the study of length of mesoappendix and the origin and branching pattern of arterial supply to the appendix was undertaken.

Material and Methods: Sixty formalin fixed appendix specimens were resected along with the intact mesopappendix and were dissected to analyze the extent of attachment, origin of appendicular arteries and the accessory branches as well.

Results: The whole length mesoappendix was seen in 76% and the half length mesoappendix was not found. The main appendicular artery originated from the ileocolic artery in 80%, and accessory appendicular artery was seen in 13% of the study specimens.

Conclusion: The mesoappendix and the branching pattern of the appendicular artery varies from person to person, and this awareness will be of use during surgeries on appendix.

Keywords: Appendix, mesoappendix, appendectomy, appendicular artery

Cite this article as: Swathipriyadarshini C, Rajilarajendran H, Balaji T, Gnanasundaram V. A comprehensive study of mesoappendix and arterial pattern of appendix. Turk J Surg 2022; 38 (1): 55-59.


Ethics Committee Approval

For this study, it is not necessary to have the ethical approval because this is a cadaveric surgery.

Peer Review

Externally peer-reviewed.

Author Contributions

Concept - H.R.; Design - T.B.; Supervision - S.P., H.R.; Data Collection and/or Processing - S.P.; Analysis and/or Interpretation - S.P.; Literature Search - V.G.; Writing Manuscript - H.R.; Critical Reviews - V.G.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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The authors are not related to any support and financial participation (eg employment, consultancy, honorary, stock ownership and options, expert statement, patents received or pending, copyrights) in the past three years. They also declare that they are not involved in nonfinancial relationships (personal, political or professional) that may affect the writing of the article.