Treatment conundrums in osteosarcoma of the breast: Case report of two cases from a tertiary care cancer center in India
Dinesh Chandra Doval1, Juhi Tayal2
, Kumardeep Dutta Choudhary1
, Pankaj Goyal1
, Gurudutt Gupta3
, Sunil Pasricha3
1Department of Medical Oncology, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research, Delhi, India
2Department of Research, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Delhi, India
3Department of Laboratory Services, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research, Delhi, India
Extraosseous sarcoma of the breast is an infrequent entity and a harbinger of poor prognosis. Histogenesis of this tumor is uncertain, and it can arise both in denovo and metastatic settings. Morphologically, it is indistinguishable from its skeletal counterpart and clinically, it presents like any other subtype of breast cancer. Tumor recurrence with a propensity for hematogenous rather than lymphatic spread plagues with this malicious disease. Treatment guidelines are mainly extrapolations from those of treatment of other extra-skeletal sarcomas as literature is limited in this context. In this study, it was aimed to present two clinical cases with similar clinical profiles and different treatment outcomes. The intent of this case report is to contribute to the limited database available for management of this rare disease.
Keywords: Extraosseous, breast carcinoma, osteosarcoma, chemotherapy, sarcomas, mesenchymal
Cite this article as: Doval DC, Tayal J, Choudhary KD, Goyal P, Gupta G, Pasricha S. Treatment conundrums in osteosarcoma of the breast: Case report of two cases from a tertiary care cancer center in India. Turk J Surg 2022; 38 (4): 409-412.
Externally peer-reviewed.
Concept – DCD; Design – DCD; Supervision – DCD; Materials – PG; Data Collection and/ or Processing – JT, GG; Analysis and/or Interpretation – JT, SP; Literature Search – KDC; Writing Manuscript – JT; Critical Reviews – DCD.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.