How we do it: Songket suture technique for lying half cone dog ear
Nur Qodir1, Afifah Zulfa Salsabila2, Muhammad Baharul Iman2
1 Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine, Palembang, Indonesia
2 Sriwijaya University Faculty of Medicine, Palembang, Indonesia
Dog ear deformities in wound closure can lead to cosmetic concerns and discomfort for patients, particularly when there is unequal wound length, resulting in lying half cone-type dog ears. Managing these deformities involves aligning the longer side with the shorter side without extending the wound. The Songket suture technique, implemented in a two-stage process, has shown effectiveness in addressing this issue, especially in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy with a crescent incision that we have presented.
Keywords: Songket suture, lying half cone, dog ear deformity
Cite this article as: Qodir N, Zulfa Salsabila A, İman MB. How we do it: Songket suture technique for lying half cone dog ear. Turk J Surg 2024; 40 (4): 349-352.
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