Eksploratris laparotomi (Laparotomiler nasıl yapılmalı?)
Şükrü Özer, Murat Çakır
Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD., KONYA
In this article the steps of laparotomy and important views are discussed.
In these preceeding articles, we combined our personal opinions with my colleagues and teachers on this subject. All abdominal operations are diagnostic laparotomies. Abdominal exploration never replaces cautious clinical examination, appropriate lab. tests, endoscopy, radiology and modern imaging techniques. Laparotomy allows us to enter abdominal cavity but only shows us the outer side of the organs. Sterile USG probe must be ready at operation.Laparoscopy without prior endoscopy is not acceptable.
You may have witnessed that some chronic pancreatitis patients are consultated to psychiatry.
If an abdominal abcess is encountered while abdominal exploration it must be drained as soon as possible. In adults vertical incisions allows beter exploration. By laparoscopy colon wall can be examined better with colonsoscopy light's illumination. Neonatal obstruction is another special problem and diagnosed with clinical and radiological investigation. Supraumblical transvers incision is generally adviced and it is satisfying. Every surgeon encounters different indications for laparotomy.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Laparotomy,indications,incisions.