A global journal with deep local roots: Turkish Journal of Surgery
From The Editor's Desk
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December 2024

A global journal with deep local roots: Turkish Journal of Surgery

Turk J Surg 2024;40(4):0-0
1. Turkish Journal of Surgery
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Online Date: 27.12.2024
Publish Date: 27.12.2024

Dear Readers of Turkish Journal of Surgery,

It is with great pleasure that we greet you in the final issue of 2024. The past year has witnessed both happy and extremely sad events around the world. As members of a profession that exists at the heart of society, it is inevitable that we are affected by such events. Our sincere hope is that the new year will bring peace and happiness to the world.

As communication between societies and cultures evolves, the resolution of global challenges becomes more feasible. Facilitating such communication is not only politically essential but also scientifically critical. One of the most vital components of scientific communication and the exchange of knowledge is scientific journals.

The Turkish Journal of Surgery (TJS) has concluded another year of extraordinary global engagement, with a steadily increasing presence in journal metrics and growing international interest. Each week, we are honored to receive submissions from diverse corners of the globe for consideration.

I would like to give you some interesting statistics about this issue. In 2024, of the 40 clinical studies we published, 25 (62.5%) originated from international institutions outside of Turkey. These contributions came from centers in the Americas (USA and Brazil), Europe (Germany, UK), Asia (Japan, Qatar, India), and Africa (Egypt, Libya, and Uganda). With this breadth of contributions, it would not be an exaggeration to describe TJS as a truly “global journal”.

This success can be attributed to several key factors: the journal's strong scientific focus, unwavering commitment to ethical standards, a rapid and high-quality peer-review process, world-class visual production, and the free online availability of all published articles.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the entire editorial team, our reviewers, publishing and technology partners, and the Turkish Surgical Society. The Society has consistently protected the journal's editorial independence while offering unconditional support whenever needed. This collaborative effort has been instrumental in achieving sustainable and enduring success.

On behalf of the editorial team of TJS I wish for a Merry Christmas for our international readers and Happy New Year for all!

Again, we look forward to receiving your best studies in 2025!

Warm regards,



Turkish Journal of Surgery