Aim: The aim of our study was to determine the characteristics of 75 patients who were operated due to primary hyperparathyroidism in the department of general surgery, in Eskişehir Osmangazi University Hospital, between 2000-2010.
Material and Methods: Demographic, histopathological and biochemical data of 75 patients who were operated due to primary hyperparathyroidism were obtained from the database of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Hospital and evaluated retrospectively.
Results: Of the 75 patients who were included in this study, 52 (%69) were female and 23 (%31) were male and the mean age was 50 years. The joint pain was the most common symptom during admission. Hypercalcemia was present in the 67% of the patients before surgery. The main cause of primary hyperparathyroidism was adenomas and were observed in 97.3% of the patients.
Conclusion: The statistics in the literature was mainly valid for our study group. Likewise, the main cause of primary hyperparathyroidism was adenomas and the most common symptom was joint pain. It may be helpful to measure serum calcium levels for the early diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism in the patients with nonspecific complaints, like joint pains, which can not be explained otherwise.
Hyperparathyroidism, retrospective evaluation
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