Purpose: To analyze the experiences of general surgeons in Turkey in the field of groin hernia repair.
Materials And Methods: A questionnaire (which includes mainly the technique used either Lichtenstein or other techniques and the type of anesthesia used) was mailed to 250 general surgeons in Turkey in 2002. They were asked to reply within a month.
Results: 196 (78 %) of the 250 questionnaires were completed and returned. 128 (65.3 %) of the 196 surgeons indicated Lichtenstein technique as their first choice for groin hernia repair, followed in frequency by Mesh Plug (Rutkow) and Bassini. The majority of surgeons preferred general anesthesia. Seroma and hematoma were reported as the most frequent complications.
Conclusions: Tension-free techniques, especially Lichtenstein, were the preferred treatment of choice both in primary and recurrent hernias. As more than half of the surgeons preferred general anesthesia for the repair of groin hernia so it is advisable. As most of the patients are discharged from the hospital on the first postoperative day it can be done on day case basis.
Groin hernia, hernia, surgeon.
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