More epidemiologic studies are needed in order to assess the role of Helicobacter Pylori in the carcinogenesis of gastric cancer. Investigations on oncogenes and protooncogenes as tumor markers are in progress. The use of endoscopic ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool is increasing. The discussion about the role of extended lymphadenectomy on survival between Japanese and western surgeons has not reached a solution. Limited surgery, laparascopic operations and endoscopic mucosal resection are commonty used techniques for early gastric cancer in recent years. Extended resections like upper abdominal evisceration are also done for advanced gastric tumors. Radioimmunoguided surgery to detect the tumordeposits intraoperatively seems to be a very effective new therapautic modality. While the studies on neoadjuvant chemotherapy are in progress, the value of regional chemotherapy for primary and recurrent tumors is investigated. Since it has been shown that normothermic infusion or hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion reduces the intraperitoneal recurrences. It is believed that such modalities will be used more commonly in the future.