We investigated the degree of protection of the surgeons from blood born viruses, We asked 24 questions to 133 surgeons with a questionnaire in two hospitals. Only 65% of the surgeons had hepatitis B vaccine. And 18% of the vaccinated surgeons were still seronegative. Fifty-six percent of the unvaccinated surgeons had anti hepatitis B antibody. Almost all of the surgeons wanted preoperative viral surveillance of the patients. More than 90% of the surgeons had an experience with blood contaminated underwear. Eighty-seven percent of the surgeons bounded to continue operations when their hands were cut or burned. Using glasses, double gloves, boot and water-tight-gown in every case were 35,0%,1% and 6% respectively. These protectors were preferred in high risk operations with the ratio of 10%, 62%, 6% and 24% respectively.