Purpose: We aimed to evaluate how much the ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) protocol is known and used in clinical practice among the surgeons in Ankara.
Background: The ERAS protocol advocates major changes about in the perioperative process of elective colon surgery so as to enhance the recovery after surgery. The protocol includes 21 items and these are not easily accepted by the surgeons although most of them are evidence based.
Material and Methods: A questionnaire was designed to learn the attitudes of surgeons on ERAS protocol.
Results and Conclusions: The results showed us that most of the surgeons do not have enough knowledge about ERAS protocol as a whole. The suggestions on antibiotic prophylaxis and tromboembolism prophylaxis are widely accepted where bowel preparation, the use of drains and oral nutrition suggestions are not.
ERAS, bowel preparation, drain, nasogastric tube, urinary catheter, enhanced recovery after surgery
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