10 out of 880 mammary carcinoma cases diagnosed at our laboratory between 1983-1994 were male patients (%1.2). Median age was 62. Tumor localization was; right in 6 and left in 4 cases. 8 cases in whom detailed localization were known 4 central, 3 upper outer quadrant and 1 upper inner quadrant. Median tumor size was 3 cm. Total tumor exicion were performed in 2 patients and remaining 8 patients and undergone modified radical mastectomy. Lokal recurrence and positive axillary lymph nodes were detected in 2 and 3 patients. Histologic types were: Invazive ductal carcinoma (7 cases), papillary carcinoma (1 case), malign skin appandage tumor (1 case) and metastatıc prostate carcinoma. Reason for latter 2 cases undergoing mastectomy was the initial incorrect interpretation behalve primary mammary carcinoma.
Metastatic carcinoma has the most importance in differantial diagnosis considering the rarity of primary mammary carcinoma in males. Routine and conventional histochemical methods remains unsatisfactory in several cases and need arises for immunohistochemical methods.