In this prospective study; gastroscopic findings, the occurrence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) and the difference between histological investigation and the CLO test (rapid urease test) in the diagnosis of HP have been examined among 112 patients to whom gastroscopy was performed for dyspeptic complaints. The mean age of the patients was 43.3 and female/male ratio was 1/1. Chronic gastritis (42%) and duodenal ulcus (36.7%) were findings seen mostly. Normal gastroscopic findings were determined in 6% of the patients. HP was positive in 89,3% of the patients with chronic gastritis and in 80.4% of the patients with duodenal ulcus. HP was determined in 14.2% of the patients with normal gastroscopy. The existence of HP was determined histologically in 77.6% of the patients and by the CLO test in 76.7% of them. It is concluded that it is appropriate to investigate HP histologically when gastroscopic findings necessitate histopathological examination and to investigate it by the CLO test when rapid results are desired.