Since ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has a good prognosis with proper treatment, radiologists should be aware of the radiographic manifestations of the disease. In this study, 31 cases of DCIS examined by mammography and ultrasonography were retrospectively evaluated. Although 22 of 31 (71%) patients had symptoms as a lump, nipple changes or bloody discharge, 9 (29%) were detected only on mammographic screening. Prebiopsy localization was performed for nonpalpable lesions. Mammographic patterns of DCIS were isolated microcalcifications in 9 of cases (29%) and catcifications with a mass or asymetric density in 10 (32%). In 5 cases (16%), the appearance was a spiculated mass, a nodular opacity or group opacities mammographically. 4 cases showed benign lesions on imaging, but the tumor tissue near or in the benign lesion was detected incidentally on the histological examination. On ultrasonographic examination, 14 cases had abnormal findings. On the other hand, in 3 cases (10%) there were no findings on imaging.