We investigated the beneficial effects of SOD+CAT which was given exogenously on acute tubular necrosis that was caused by ischemia-reperfusion. Twenty-seven rats were randomly divided in to three groups; control group (n=7), SOD+CAT treated group (n=10) and placebo group (n=10). After the right nephrectomy was done, the pedicle of the left kidney was clamped for 45 min. In SOD+CAT group, 15.000 U/kg SOD and 90.000 U/kg CAT were given intraperitoneally just before the onset of circulation. Placebo group received only saline solution. After 24 hour reperfusion period, the tissue and blood samples were obtained. GSH, an important cellular antioxidant, tissue levels were slightly increased in SOD+CAT treated group than that in placebo group. However, the difference was not significant statistically. Furthermore, the activity of GSHPx an important antioxidant enzyme, was increased significantly in SOD+CAT treated group. Also the treatment with SOD+CAT decreased the plasma levels of BUN, creatinine and ALP than those in placebo group. The beneficial effects of SOD+CAT treatment on tissue antioxidant defence system and renal functions were also confirmed by histopathological examination.