One hundred-twenty patients who underwent early gastroscopy with diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage were evaulated in this study. The mean age was 49, male/female ratio was 3/1, Site of haemorrhage were diagnosed in 93% of patients by gastroscopy. The causes of haemorrhage were found as follows: 56% duodenal ulcer, 79% acufe gastric mucosal lesions, 6% gastric ulcer, 3% gastric cancer and 4.2 esophageal varices. The endoscopic stigmates of the patients were identified to have duodenal ulcer were as follows: Visible vessel in the base of the ulcer in 23.8%, pulsatile bleeding in 16.4%, minimal oozing in 37.3%, and coagulum in 7.4%. There was no sign of bleeding in 14.9% of duodenal ulcers. According to the results of our study; gastroscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding is simple, without complication and has a high diagnostic value (93%). We believe that gastroscopy should be performed in the first place in the diagnosis and follow up of patients with upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.