1057 cases of goitre who were operated between 1983-1993 were retrospectively analysed. 925 (87.5%) cases were female, 132 (12.5%) were male with a mean age of 36.8 years. In 45 out of 321 solitary cold nodules malignancy was found. Most common malign histopathological diagnosis was papillary carcinoma. Postoperative morbidity was 14.9% and mortality was 0.09%. Most common complications were flap edema (4.4%), temporary nervous recurrence paralysis (TNRP) (4%), temporary hypo-parathyroidism (THPT) (3.12%). Permanent recurrent nerve paralysis rate was 0.66%. The correlation between ligation of inferior thyroid artery and TNRP-THPT was investigated and TNRP-THPT was found to be higher in inferior thyroid artery ligated cases. This was statistically significant for TNRP (p<0.05) but it was not significant for THPT. 7.8% of the cases were recurrent goitres. Ligation of inferior thyroid artery was not found to be related with recurrence. Total morbidity in these cases were 46.9%. Most common complications were TNRP (19.2%) and THPT (14.4%), There was no mortality in recurrent cases. Before 1984 drains were placed in 86.5% cases. In 1992 this rate dropped to 11%. Mean hospitalization period in this series was 7.9 days (4.4 days preoperatively, 3.4 days postoperatively).