It is known that microarterial anastomosis should be performed by using appropriate size suture materials. But, there is not any experimental study done to evaluate suture size on tensioned suture anastomosis. In this experimental study, macroscopic and hysthopathologic findings were evaluated on microarterial anastomosis performed by using two different sized nonabsorbable suture material on rat carotid arteries. Carotid arteries of standardized rats having 1 mm. diameter were end to end anastomosed under increasing tension by using two different sized (9.0 and 10.0 Ethilon) suture materials. Anastomosis were performed without undue tension in control groups. Macroscopic and hysthopathologic evaluation were on immediate postoperative period and 1week postoperatively. Patency rate was 100% in controls. In tensioned anastomosis group, trombus formation rate was 50% less in 10.0 suture group compared to 9.0 suture group. No rupture of anastomosis was observed in this study. Media necrosis, subendothelial hyperplasia and foreign body reaction rate were similar in both groups.