Purpose: To grade vascular invasion of pancreatic tumors using helical CT and CT angiography.
Current state: Accuracy of conventional CT is not sufficient for the evaluation of pancreatic tumors, especially small ones. Helical CT may increase the accuracy of tumor detection, determining neighboring organ relationships and assessing operability.
Method: 13 cases of tumor were detected in 23 patients examined using helical CT with suspicion of pancreatic pathology. Axial and 3D images were compared in grading vascular invasion.
Findings: All major peripancreatic vascular structures were sufficiently opacified in the axial helical slices, 3D models and CT-angiography decreased the time for the evaluation of vascular invasion and helped to describe the relationship of tumor and vascular structures and the extension of tumor.
Results: Helical CT may replace conventional angiography in pancreatic tumors. Addition of CT angiography to axial helical images increases the accuracy of grading.