Although there are many progresses in supportive treatments. antimicrobial therapy and surgical techniques, sepsis is still important cause of morbiditiy and mortality in surgical intensive care units. On the other hand, new treatment modalities have been searched. In recent years, many researchs were performed on Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) and it was understood that it has played important roles in pathogenesis of sepsis and septic shock. It is thought that G-CSF increases the survival by promoting the amount and function of neufrophils. In this study we examined the effects of G-CSF with or without imipenem on survival rate in experimental sepsis of rats. Rats were divided into 5 groups as follows:. First group, the sham group; second group, sepsis induced group; sepsis induced groups 3, 4 and 5, treated with G-CSF, imipenem and G-CSF+ imipenem respectively. Afterwards, white blood cell (WBC) and neutrophil counts and neutrophil and bacterial colony amounts in peritoneal cavity and survival rate determined. In group 3, WBC and blood neutrophil counts and neutrophil amount in peritoneal cavity were significantly high. Bacterial colony amounts in peritoneal cavity were also significantly decreased. In all treatment groups. Although there was better survival rate in group 3 and 4 comparing with group 2, no significant difference was determined between groups 3 and 4 on survival. Significantly better survival rate was determined for group 5, comparing with group 2 and group 3 and there was no significant difference with group 4. In conclusion, G-CSF improves the survival rate by decreasing the amount of microorganisms on local infection area and increasing neutrophil counts in blood and local infective area. We also observed that G-CSF might improve its effects when used in combination with antibiotics. Standard antibiotherapy in combination with G-CSF may be useful treatment regime for suitable cases.