Cholangiojejunostomy from segment-3 was performed for palliation in twenty-two patients with inoperable proximal Cholangiocarcinomas. Thirteen patients were females and nine were males with a mean age of 54.8 years (range 29-78). Two patients died in the early postoperative period (9%), one from cardiac arrest and the other due to sepsis. One patient whose jaundice was not relieved was reoperated and external drainage performed from segment 7. Four patients developed postoperative cutaneous biliary fistula and one patient had evisserations. Mean postoperative hospital stay was 12.5 days (range 6-30). Jaundice was relieved in all 10 patients who survived the operation and their mean symptom-free survival was 6 months (range 3-13). We recommend this operation for palliation of patients with an inoperable proximal cholangiocarcinoma especially when endoscopic or percutaneous stenting is not possible.