The aim of this study was to assess the perioperative findings and to discuss the early results of laparoscopically done abdominoperineal resection. Prospective registry data of 11 patients with rectal carcinoma treated by lapa-roscopy between August 2000 and July 2003 were analyzed. Intraoperative complication was not observed and the conversion rate was zero. Postoperative complications occured in five patients (partial intestinal obstruction in three patients, partial perineal wound dehiscence in one, and intestinal fistula in one). According to the TNM classification system, two patients had stage I, three patients had stage II, and six patients had stage III rectal cancer. The median follow was 15 months, and there were no port site or local recurrences. Distant metastasis was observed in one patient. Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection is a complex but technically feasible procedure. At certain centers experienced in open colorectal operations and laparoscopic interventions. However, the operation time is longer during laparoscopic procedure, and well-organized operating team is mandatory.