The aim was to evaluate the effects of low molecular weight heparin (LMVVH) on healing of colonic anastomosis in rats.
In the experimental animal model, thirty male Wistar-albino rats were randomized into three groups consisting often rats each. All were anesthesized with ketamin and xylasine, celiotomy and left colonic anastomosis were performed on each animal. In the first group, no medication was given pre or postoperatively. In the second group, single dose of LMVVH was given preoperatively. In the third group, LMVVH was administered subcutaneously on the operation and for 6 postoperative days.
In the sixth day, all rats were sacrificed and bursting pressure and the tissue hydroxyproline content of the anastomoses were assessed and compared. The results were compared statistically by using one way ANOVA test. There was no significant difference between the groups in anastomotic bursting pressure and tissue hydroxyproline levels (P>0.05).
In conclusion, both single or six day administrations of LMWH are not effective on healing of colonic anastomosis and can be safely used as medication in patients who have undergone colonic anastomosis.