Background: Herein we tried to discuss the position of the new specialists who are accepted inexperienced on surgical treatment of thyroid diseases. The evaluations are made by taking into account the geographical region's social and cultural conditions to create a different perspective.
Material and Methods: Two hundred and thirteen patients who underwent thyroidectomy surgery because of various indications at Hakkari State Hospital between January 2010 and June 2011 are evaluated retrospectively. Patients were evaluated in terms of age, gender, preoperative diagnosis, surgical technique, complications and pathology results.
Results: Twelve (5.6 %) of the 213 patients were male in respect to 201 (94.4 %) female patients. The proportion of the female patients to male patients was 16.7/1. Seven patients (3.3 %) underwent bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, 5 patients (2.3 %) underwent completion thyroidectomy and 201 (94.4 %) patients underwent total thyroidectomy surgery. There were 4 patients (1.8 %) with postoperative hematoma, 23 patients (10.7 %) with temporary hypocalcaemia, 3 patients (1.4 %) with permanent hypocalcaemia, 1 patient (0.4 %) with wound infection, 17 patients (7.9 %) with seroma, 2 patients (0.9 %) with suture reaction, 3 patients (1.4 %) with temporary recurrent nerve paralysis.
Conclusion: We believe that the disadvantage of inexperienced surgeons who are new in their practice that are making health care particularly in major surgical procedures such as thyroidectomy can be eliminated by acquiring new experiences everyday in operations and a higher level of social collaboration between the patient and the physician.
Thyroidectomy, surgical experience, social indication
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