Purpose: To find out the etiology and clinical findings of patients who were operated due to mechanical intestinal obstruction
Patients and Methods: A total of 68 patients operated for mechanical intestinal obstruction between 2001 and 2008 were studied retrospectively. Patients were evaluated with the medical history, physical examination, hemogram, biochemical tests, and abdominal Xray. The data about etiologies, clinical features, treatment modalities, morbidity and mortality rates were collected.
Results: There were 36 men (52.9 %) and 32 women (47.1 %). The location of obstruction was the small intestine in 83.8 % and the large bowel in 16.2 %. Abdominal wall hernias were the most common (52.9 %) cause of intestinal obstruction in this study. Adhesions (19.1%) and malign lesions (18%) were the other common pathologies. The most common postoperative complication was wound infection. Sepsis, multiorgan disfunction, ileus and pneumonia were other complications. Mortality occurred in 3 patients (4.3%).
Conclusion: Incarcerated abdominal wall hernias comprised the most common etiological factor in mechanical intestinal obstruction in our country. Figuring out the causes of morbidity and mortality will increase the success rates of the treatment.
Intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, adhesion
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