In this clinical study the results of Cholecystectomy operations through a mini-laparotomic 5 cm incision were evaluated in 30 patients hospitalized for gallstone disease. None of the patients had any past history of jaundice or other intraabdominal organ pathologies besides cholelithiasis. There were 25 females and 5 males of whom 24 were admitted with symptomatic gallstones and the remaining 6 with acute cholecystitis. Patients with acute cholecystitis received antibiotic and spasmolytic therapy prior to operation. The operation was delayed till acute signs and symptoms were relieved. The patients were started on oral intake and mobilized on the first postoperative day. The mean post-operative hospital stay was 3.9 days. It was seen that this technique reduced postoperative stay in the hospital and enabled postoperative early mobilization as well as physical activity. As a result, it may be possible to choose this method as an alternative to laparoscopic cholecystectomy in selected cases.