1000 patients who had been operated with a preliminary of acute appendicitis between 1983-1993, were reviewed to evaluate the rate of misdiagnosis. The evaluation was based on the findings in the operation and histopathological examtnation. 35% of the patients were found to have acute appendicitis, 37% phelegmonous appendicitis, 9% perforated appendicitis plus generalized peritonitis, 19% appendix vermiformis at histopathological examination. The overall misdiagnosis rate was found to be 19%. (28.4% in women, 12.2% in men). Lenfoid hyperplasia of the appendix was the major cause for misdiagnosis (40.5%). We have concluded that misdiagnosis rate can be significantly reduced with hospitalisation and observation of the patients with preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis and a careful gynecologic examination in female patients.