Introduction: Studies about wound assessment and wound dressing techniques are increasing day by day. In this study; new nanotechnological approaches in wound dressing practices are tried to be explained by the help of literature. An exculusive search was conducted in Pubmed, a medical database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations and other biomedical data bases for biomedical articles and new informations are investigated.
Results: Each wound must be examined before its treatment is planned. In wound examination; localization, wound bed, lips, environment, length, depth, presence of decolation, drainage, infection and pain character of the wound must be assessed. While acute wound must be examined every dressing change, chronic wounds must be examined every week. In recent years, some technologies ameliorating dressings' effectiveness started to be used. Technology of microspheres containing growth factors, dressings of brown seaweed cells by the polymer technology, nanofiber technology producing fibers of 30 nanometer in diameter, nanocrystalline silver dressing, tissue engineering providing extracellular matrix for lack of tissues and organs were included in dressing technology. Therefore, the most wanted properties of dressing such as oxygen permeability, controlled evaporation, increased drainage capacity and restriction to exogenous pathogens were realized.
We all know the importance of wound dressing especially for not healing up wounds. In the light of limited studies in this manner, increase in the number of wound dressings based on observations and practices, will make certain new approaches about wound dressing.
Wound repair, wound dressing, nanolif technology.
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