This study is a retrospective analysis of 24 patients operated due to nontraumatic perforations of the colon, between 1985 and 1990. Abdominal pain was the cardinal symptom present in all of the patients. Plain abdominal films showed pneumoperitoneum in 20 cases (83%), and air-fluid levels in 4 cases (17%). Perforations of the colon, were due to tumor in 18 cases (75%), diverticulitis in 5 cases (21%), and toxic megacolon in 1 case (4%). 11 of the perforations due to neoplasms of the colon were at the tumor site, and 7 were localized proximally. Right hemicolectomy+ileostomy+mucous fistula in 4 cases, resection+colo+colostomy with complementary tube cecostomy or ileo-colostomy in 8 cases, left hemicolectomy and Hartmann's procedure in 7 cases, were the operative techniques applied. Overall morbidity and mortality rates, were 42% and 33%, respectively.