Starting on 31.5.1991, 10 patients ranging in age from 14 years to 62 years (median=38.6 years), underwent orthotopic liver transplantation in Istanbul Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. 3 of them were female and 7 were male. Indication of the liver transplantation was liver cirrhosis due to HBV +SV in three, HBV in two, HCV in two patients, and primary biliary cirrhosis in one, criptojenic cirrhosis in one and hepatocelluler carcinoma in 1 patient. Standard veno-venous by-pass was used in 8 patients, and single by-pass in one. In one patient no by-pass was necessary. A total of 196 U's blood (min.6 U's; max.60 U's) and 190 U's fresh frozen plasma (min. 5 U's; max. 56 U's) were used. There was no operative death. 4 patients died in perioperative period (first 30 days). 1 patient died at 166. day due to a neurological complication. 5 patients returned to their active lives with totally normal liver functions.