It can be said pylonidal sinus is still an unsolved problem because there are still discussions about it's ethology and many different therapeutic apporaches are applied. We made a retrospective study of 90 patients in Dr.Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Research Hospital First General Surgery Clinic between 1.1.1997.- 1 .2000. These 90 patients had pylonidal sinus and primary partial closure was applied to all of them. Demographic properties of the patients, operation technique, hospitalization, wound healing, time away from work, hospital costs, complications and recurrence rates are evaluated and compared with other literature. 3 of the patients(0.3%) have been operated with the same reason while others were simple cases. 17(18%) of the cases were female and 73 (81%) were male. Mean age of the patients was 26.39 ± 6.56. Length of operation time was 17.10 ± 4.79 minutes. Hospitalization was 3.98 ± l.48 days. Wound healing took 28.80 ± 4.79 days. 3 of the patients had wound infection and were treated. The bleeding of l patient because of a hemorrhage was controlled under local anesthesia at postoperature period. Hospitalization cost was 300.67 ± 74.33 US $. Our patients returned back to their jobs in about 22.56 ± 5.32 days. We have not seen any recurrences in our series. As a result primary partial closure had short operation time, minimal complications and low recurrence rate in pylonidal sinus treatment. That's why we think that primary partial closure is a preferrable technique.