Purpose: Due to increased use of ultrasonography, more polypoid lesions are being detected in gallbladders. Although most polypoid lesions in gallbladder are benign in nature and are detected incidentally, there is also a risk of malign transformation. There is an ongoing controversy about follow-up and therapy of polipoid lesions of the gallbladder.
Material and Methods: In this report we retrospectively analyzed reports of 37 patients who had followups between 2000 and 2005 because of polyps in the gallbladder. Fourteen patients were operated on.
Results: One gallbladder carcinoma was detected in a 63-year-old patient with a polyp of greater than 10 mm. No mortality was detected. Morbidity has occurred in two patients.
Conclusion: Polyps that are greater than 10 mm (single lesion) and older than 50 years compose important risk factors and can have malign potential. For patients with polyps greater than 10 mm, older than 50 years or for patients with concomitant cholelithiasis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is advised.
Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder, surgical treatment.
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