Records of 176 breast cancer patients who were treated in our clinic between 1985 and 1995 were analysed retrospectively. All of the patients were women, and the mean age was 44.12 years. The most common symptom was painful mass (62.5%), and this was followed by painless mass (3.18%), nipple discharge (19.3%), nipple retraction (9.0%), erythema (5.1%) and ulceration (3.4%). Fiftyfour percent of the tumoral masses were localised in the left and 46 percent were localised in the right breast. Most of the masses (38%) were localised in the upper-lateral region. One hundred sixtysix patients had palpated the masses by themselves. In 4 patients, the masses had been palpated by doctor, in 4 patients by mammography and 2 patients by ultrasonography. The exact diagnosis was established by incisional biopsy in 132 (75.0%) and excisional biopsy in 44 (25.0%) patients. The most common risk factors were long duration use of oral contraseptives, nulliparity, no breast feeding and family history of breast cancer. According to TNM classification, 50.0% were diagnosed in Stage 2, 34.0% were diagnosed in Stage 3, 10.2% were diagnosed in Stage 4, and only 5.6% were diagnosed in Stage 1. The most common surgical procedure applied was modified radical mastectomy (86.88%). Twelve patients were regarded as inoperable and these patients had chemotherapy. Histopathologic examination revealed ductal carcinoma in 90.9% of the patients. Postoperative complication rate was 11.9%, and the most common one was wound infection (6.8%). Mortality rate was 0.0% in the early postoperative period.