Parathyroid carcinomas are rare endocrine tumors and constitute 0,5–5% of hiperparathyroidism incidents and 0,005% of all cancer types. Local recurrence could be observed ranging from 6 months to 3 years. Recurrence earlier than 2 years is a bad prognostic factor. Because of the fact that parathyroid carcinomas are rare and it is unusual to the localization in our study, we aimed to present the incident along with the literature. The patient who has been suffering from dyspnea, chest pain, joint pain, asthenia and weariness for almost 2 years, hypercalcemia, increase in parathormone level and a retrosternal mass was detected. With these findings, the incident was operated parathyroid adenoma pre-diagnoses and was reported as parathyroid carcinoma. Consequently, in the patients who have ectopic localized parathyroid mass and an increase in their blood calcium and parathormone levels, if the size of the mass is large, it should be considered that it may be parathyroid carcinoma and the surgical treatment should be planned with the least recurrence rate.
parathyroid, carcinoma, surgery
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