Risk factors in non-variceal and non-malignancy upper gastrointestinal system bleedings in the patients undergoing surgery
Original Article
P: 216 - 221
December 2011

Risk factors in non-variceal and non-malignancy upper gastrointestinal system bleedings in the patients undergoing surgery

Turk J Surg 2011;27(4):216-221
1. Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır, Türkiye
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Purpose: Despite the advances in treatment methods, upper gastrointestinal system bleeding still appears as a serious problem. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effective risk factors on mortality in the patients that underwent surgery due to non-variceal and non-malignant bleeding from upper gastrointestinal tract, which was not responding to endoscopic management. Materials and Methods: Between 1997 – 2010, 74 patients who underwent surgery due to upper gastrointestinal system bleeding were analyzed retrospectively. The bleeding due to the malignancy and varices were excluded. Results: There were 81 (82.4%) male and 13 (17.6%) female patients, with a mean age of 51.8 years. The common complaint at the admission was melena (50%). Cardiovascular diseases were the most common comorbidity which were seen in 19 (27.4%) cases. Shock symptoms were seen in 48 (64.9%) patients. Forrest 1a was the most common bleeding form, which was detected endoscopically in 34 (51.5%) patients. Duodenal ulcer was detected in 56 (75.7%) patients. Commonly performed surgical procedure was bilateral truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty with the ligation of gastroduodenal artery. Morbidiy rate was 24.3% and common one was pulmonary complication. Mortality occured in 15 (24.3%) patients. There was no mortality in the patients with Rockall score <5, while the mortality rate was 25.4% in the others. Elder age, male gender, comorbid disease, shock, low hemoglobin value, blood transfusions and high Rockall score were effective risk factors on mortalilty. Conclusion: Early surgery and close cooperation between gastroenterologists and surgeons may be benefical at the treatment of high risk upper gastrointestinal bleeding, except variceal and malignancy bleedings.

Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanaması, mortalite, risk faktörleri


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