It is thought that chordomas are developing from the remnants of nothocord and they are 1 -4% of all bone tumors. Fifty percent of chordomas are developing from the sacral region. Surgical treatment of these tumors are difficult because of their localization and having large masses. In Ankara Oncology Hospital 13 patients with sacrococcygeal chordoma were analyzed retrospectively. Mean age was 54.3 and 8 of them were male, 5 were female. Surgical treatment couldn't be applied for 2 cases because of the dissaminated disease. For surgically treated cases curative resection were made for 7 of them and palliative resection were made for 4 of the cases. After surgical resection recurrence were observed in 7 cases (%63.6). In the follow-up period visceral metastasis were seen and chemotherapy were used in 5 cases but there were no significant improvement in survival. Mean follow-up for all cases were determined as 21.6 months and for curatively resected patients as 32.8 months. It was seen that only curative surgical resections could improve survival but, adjuvant radiotherapy should be added to therapy.