This study was performed to investigate the effect of scolicidal agents, on liver and biliary ducts and to find out whether these agents caused secondary sclerosing cholangitis or not. Three groups of rabbits were taken in this study. Each group included 15 rabbits. The first group of rabbits was given sodium chloride 0.9% into biliary tract, the second group silver nitrate 0.5%, and the third group formaline 5%. Five rabbits from each group were sacrified at the end of the first, fourth and eighth weeks. There was no histopathologic and biochemical change in the first group. The eighth week ALP values were significantly different from the beginning values in the formaline group (p<0.05). The first and eighth week SGOT values and the eigth week ALP values in the silver nitrate group (p <0.05). In the both of formaline and silver nitrate groups, some of macroscopic findings and more of microscopic findings of secondary sclerosing cholangitis were found. In conclusion; as formaline was found responsible for sclerosing cholangitis earlier, silver nitrate 0.5% was also found responsible for sclerosing cholangitis.