Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of suction drains in total excision and primary closure as treatment of pilonidal sinus disease. For this purpose we designed a clinical prospective study.
Materials and Methods: Between September 2004 and February 2005, 64 patients were operated for pilonidal sinus disease by total excision and primary closure under spinal anesthesia. Patients were divided into two groups: In group I (28 patients) suction drains were used, whereas in group II (36patients) no drains were used. Both groups were compared for complication rate, timeline for suture removal and return to normal daily activities.
Results: All patients were male and mean age was 22.2 (20-27). The mean age and body mass indices were similar in group I and II. The complication rate was 3.5 % (1 patient) in group I and 5.8 % (2 patients) in group II. The difference between the complication rates was not statistically significant (p=0.712). There was no difference between the duration of operation, time of suture removal and returning to normal daily activities in both groups.
Conclusion: Total excision and primary closure is one of the most popular operative techniques of surgical treatment for pilonidal sinus disease. Suction drain usage in this method does not decrease hematoma, seroma and surgical site infection; nor does it affect the time period to return to normal daily activities.
Pilonidal sinus, drainage, suction.
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