Purpose: In this study; marsupialization and Limberg flap techniques were compared in the treatment of pilonidal disease. Operations for pilonidal disease are frequently performed in the surgical clinics 1-8 percent of all the operations. Although different techniques were described in the treatment; recently flap rotation procedures seem to be more favourable due to their higher rates of success and lower rates of recurrences.
Materials and Methods: From August 2001 to July 2004; 114 patients treated with marsupialisation and 102 patients treated with Limberg flap rotation techniques were enrolled. They were randomized according to the last number of their numeric protocol as being single or double at admission. Additional 35 patients were excluded from the study for various reasons. The patients were compared according to age, surgical technique, wound healing, length of hospital stay and returning time for work, education status and patient satisfaction.
Results: In the Limberg flap technique; woud healing time and returning time for work parameters were found to be statistically better( p<0.05). The recurrence rates for Limberg flap (2.12%) and marsupialization (4.8 %) found to be statistically nonsignificant (p=0.308). Flap procedure was more succesful than marsupialization considering antibiotic usage and patient satisfaction (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Flap procedure is a superior technique to marsupialization because of rapid wound healing, lower antibiotic need, less time to return to work and higher patient satisfaction.
Pilonidal sinus, Limberg flep, marsupialization
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