Purpose: Fine-needle aspiration cytology has been accepted as a part of triple test approach as well as physical examination and mammographic examination since it is a method the application of which is simple, is not expensive and is minimal invasive. Fine-needle aspiration cytology, diagnostic accuracy rate ranges between 50-95% but with triple test approach, this rate reaches to 100%. In our study, we aimed to discuss our success rates, our mistakes and their reasons along with the literature by reevaluating breast FNAC we evaluated and histopathological results of these findindgs retrospectively.
Patients and Methods: 50 incidents who came to our clinic and whose biopsies were evaluated in our clinic were taken into the study. In FNAC done from 50 palpable breast lesions in total, 8 specimen were reported as nondiagnostic, 21 specimen were reported as benign, 6 specimen were reported to be suspectful of malignancy and 15 specimen were reported as malignant.
Results: Sensitivity, specifity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, false positive rate and false negative rate were calculated as 100%, 95%, 93%, 100%, 2,3% and 0% respectively. The accuracy rate of the test is 97%.
Conclusion: Consequently, in the light of the data in our study and literature, we could say that FNAC, a part of triple test approach, will be an indispensable diagnosis method in the hands of an experienced clinician and pathologist and will prevent unnecessary surgical interventions.
Breast, breast mass, cytology, histopathology, correlation
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