In this study, patients with complicated and uncomplicated liver hydatid cysts were evaluated in terms of the surgical procedures performed, hospitalization period and complications. When total cystectomy; the best operation of choice is not possible in a liver hydatid cyst, surgical options for the cyst and the remaining cavity after evacuation is still obscure as none of the procedures has perfect post-operative results. In this retrospective study, 277 patients operated for liver hydatid cysts between 1983 and 1999 were reviewed. 216 patients had uncomplicated cysts whereas 61 had complicated cysts. Post-operative complications and hospitalization periods were compared between two groups, The shortest hospitalization period and lowest morbidity was in patients with o total cystectomy of an uncomplicated cyst. Post-operative morbidity rate was 39.7% in patients that cavitary drainage was performed after partial cystectomy and 18.2% in the non-drained patients. Hospitalization periods were 12,3 and 8,2 days respectively. In the complicated group, post-operative morbidity was 29.6% for patients with omentopexy and 58.8% for the cavitary drainage group. Hospitalization period was not different between these two groups. In conclusion partial cystectomy + omentopexy or left-open methods are the best alternatives of total cystectomy in uncomplicated cysts. In a patient with a complicated cyst however cavitary drainage can be performed although omentopexy can lower subsequent complications.