In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether there is a relation between infravesical and abdominal pressure or not. The measurement of intra-abdominal pressure is important in patients with abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). The abdominal compartment syndrome has been observed during postoperative infra-abdominal hemorrhage, severe abdominal trauma, peritonitis and peritoneal insuflation during laparoscopic procedures. The characteristics of this syndrome are massive abdominal distention, increased central venous pressure, decreased urinary output, and the need for increased ventilatory pressure. Abdominal pressure can be measured by direct and indirect methods, in this study, for evaluation the relation between infravesical and intra-abdominal pressure, we measured urinary bladder pressure in 20 patients during laparoscopic procedure and compared with abdominal pressure. We observed that there is a strong and statistically significant relation between abdominal and infravesical pressure. Urinary bladder pressure is simple, minimal invasive and appears to be the method of choice.